
Who wrote lavaan?

The main developer of lavaan is: Yves Rosseel

If you have questions about the use of lavaan, please do not email me directly, but use the discussion group: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/lavaan

Code contributors

Several people have contributed source code to the lavaan project:


Since the release of version 0.3-1, many people have provided valuable feedback, comments and suggestions. Below is an (incomplete) list of people that somehow contributed to the (early) development of lavaan:

  • Anne Boomsma, Joerg Evermann and Jarrett Byrnes tested the early versions and gave valuable feedback (2010)
  • Gerhard Arminger provided the MECOSA source code, written in the GAUSS language (2010)
  • Rens van de Schoot for allowing me to present at the Mplus user meeting in 2010 and sending Leonard Vanbrabant to Ghent in 2011)
  • The Psychoco organizers (for inviting me in 2011, leading to the JSS paper in 2012)
  • Michael Hallquist (author of the MplusAutomation package, initially used for testing lavaan)
  • Sacha Epskamp (author of the qgraph and semPlot packages with great support for lavaan)
  • Todd Little for inviting me to Kansas in 2012, where we met Sunthud, Terrence, and Alexander, and where the idea of semTools was born
  • Rolf Steyer for inviting me to Jena in 2012, where I met Axel Mayer, and introducing me to EffectLite
  • feedback and suggestions from Alberto Maydeu-Olivares, Alexander Robitzsch, Alexander Schoemann, David Kaplan, David Kenny, Paul De Boeck, Michael Eid, Eric Klopp, Felix Schönbrodt, Njål Foldnes, Francis Tuerlinckx, Fred Oswald, Mauricio Garnier-Villarreal, Moritz Heene, Herbert Hoijtink, Holendro Singh, Holger Steinmetz, Jack McArdle, James Grace, James Steiger, Keith Widaman, Kentaro Hayashi, Mikko Rönkkö, Paul Johnson, Sunthud Pornprasertmanit and many, many others.


The lavaan package is licensed under the GNU General Public License Version >= 2


The lavaan project is not funded, and is solely the work of volunteers.

